The International REC Standards Organization (I-REC Standards) is a not-for-profit organization that provides robust standards for the development of attribute tracking systems. The I-REC standard is recognized by major bug reports such as the greenhouse gas protocol (GHGP), CDP and RE100 as a trusted backbone for reliable and auditable monitoring tools. It ensures the system is of the highest quality and advocates best practices designed to avoid double counting, double certification, and double attribute claims.

The I-REC International Attribute Tracking Standard ensures that market facilitators alongside best practices and good governance principles for the tracking tools and associated fields they management. In this way, the I-REC Standard represents a globally recognized standard, commonly referred to as I-REC, that can be developed for a multitude of products both within and outside the energy sector. Benefit from harmonization, recognition, market support and independent oversight. Issuers, stakeholders and accredited government facilities can optimally rely on the I-REC standard and its associated Product Code when developing declarations and running system monitoring powerful properties.

The I-REC standard is committed to ensuring unbiased access to information products and allowing end users to purchase products that are clearly sourced and cleared, thereby empowering these products. products of choice consume renewable energy worldwide and support sustainability claims.